Support The Democracy Collaborative Workers' Union in their layoff negotiations


The Democracy Collaborative Workers’ Union is disappointed to share that we are currently in negotiations with management over discretionary layoffs impacting over one-third of our bargaining unit. The union does not believe that these layoffs are necessary and is extremely disappointed and concerned that management is pursuing this course of action during an unprecedented global pandemic. We stand in solidarity with one another as we bargain for a fair severance package that reflects the impact this avoidable decision will have on workers who have contributed so much to the organization’s mission. These layoffs are being made without acknowledging the impact it will have on remaining staff, and we also stand in solidarity with our colleagues navigating the ambiguity of the work ahead. This decision is particularly disappointing as we approach the one year anniversary of our contract ratification. TDCWU remains committed in our efforts to build a more equitable and democratic workplace.  

We are asking our colleagues and allies to amplify our calls for management to continue bargaining in good faith with the union and provide a severance package for the workers being laid off that reflects the impact this avoidable decision will have on their livelihoods.

To support, you can sign on here: