About NPEU


We’re Strengthening Our Nonprofits


We are the union for nonprofit professionals.

Joining with NPEU, the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union, allows nonprofit professionals to enhance their nonprofit organizations by strengthening their voice in the workplace. In their respective nonprofit organizations, our members have established standards for fair and equal treatment of nonprofit professionals by negotiating contracts that improved pay, benefits, and working conditions.

We understand nonprofit workplaces.

We understand that nonprofits are uniquely mission-driven and have specific financial concerns. We know from experience that by joining together nonprofit professionals can enhance the work of their organization by negotiating a contract that best fits the needs of employees, management, and the organization’s mission.

We want to make our nonprofits better.

We strongly support the missions of our nonprofits and want our organizations to thrive. By coming together, we are able to ensure we have the necessary resources for our organizations to be successful. Our negotiated contracts put in place a process for workplace collaboration which creates better, productive nonprofit organizations.


Our Structure

Our union is run by and for us—the NPEU members. We are governed by an Executive Board made up of our volunteer members, which we elect. The Executive Board, in turn, runs and manages our union's operations and budget. NPEU members also directly elect officers who, with the help of NPEU staff, ensure day-to-day operations run smoothly. The officers work with the rest of Executive Board to carry out the will of the members.

Beyond our Executive Board, we have various committees filled with elected and volunteer members to tackle different projects and issues.



Amy Chin-Lai, Action Squared


Sarah Rawlins, CEPR

Vice President for Representation

Amina Kranson, Pittsburgh United

Vice Presidents for Organizing

John Aspray, Food & Water Watch

Hannah Stephens, Brookings

Vice President for Communications

Valeria Mejía-Guevara, Action Squared

International Vice President

Katie Barrows, DPE


Executive Board

The Executive Board is NPEU’s primary governing body. It consists of (1) the NPEU officers — President, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President for Representation, two Vice Presidents for Organizing, and Vice President for Communications — who are volunteer members directly elected by the entire membership and (2) one volunteer representative from each unit, elected by that unit. A full list of unit representatives to the Executive Board can be found in the Members section of this site.

Field Representatives

Anya McMurrer

Nancy Yan

Senior Field Representative

Kareem Elrefai

Campaigns Director

Heather Cushman

Finance & Operations Director

Ethan Miller




The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU), IFPTE Local 70 is an affiliated local union of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), AFL-CIO and CLC.




IFPTE is a nonprofit, employee-based organization, made up of autonomous local affiliates in the U.S. and Canada. IFPTE advocates on behalf of more than 80,000 women and men in professional and technical occupations. Those occupations are primarily professional, including all engineering disciplines, a wide variety of scientific and research professions, lawyers and administrative judges, economists, environmental officers, and urban planners, among others, all within the private, public, and federal sectors. As such, they are lovingly known as the geeks of the labor movement.

Here are examples of a few other affiliates of IFPTE:

NPEU - IFPTE Local 70


NPEU, IFPTE Local 70 was formed in 1998 after a group of nonprofit employees at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) contacted IFPTE about creating a union. 

IFPTE has been a great resource over the years, providing us with best practices, legal and organizing support, and guidance on a variety of issues. They also provide us access to a network of other organized professionals in related fields and occupations.

Former IFPTE President Paul Shearon voicing support for federal workers during the 2019 government shutdown.
