The Mothers Out Front Staff Forms Union With the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union

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Contact: Katie Barrows, NPEU,, 360-624-6936

BOSTON, Feb. 22, 2021 - The staff of Mothers Out Front have joined together in union with the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) to form the Mothers Out Front Union. Mothers Out Front’s management has agreed to voluntarily recognize the union. 

Mothers Out Front was founded in 2013 on the conviction that there is no more powerful force for change than mothers mobilizing to protect children from the existential threat of climate destabilization. Mothers Out Front strives to be a diverse and inclusive movement that inspires and empowers mothers, grandmothers and other caregivers from all backgrounds to work together for climate justice.

“We, Mothers Out Front staff members, are deeply committed to our mission, and believe one of the best ways to realize it is to organize and form a union,” said the Mothers Out Front Union. “We are working tirelessly to support our organization to become a truly equitable and inclusive movement. Advocating for justice, worker power, and democratic governance align deeply with our core values. We believe the time has come to form a union to ensure we live out our commitment to equity, transform our internal staff culture, and fully empower staff so that we can all thrive and achieve our vital mission.”

“At Mothers Out Front, we know that a strong team is what makes our impact greatest, so we are proud to voluntarily recognize the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union as the union of Mothers Out Front staff," said Executive Director, Electa Sevier. “Our mission is to build the collective power of moms and we believe strongly in the labor movement’s work to empower all workers. We look forward to furthering our goal of ensuring Mothers Out Front is an inclusive, fair, and effective place for all employees to work.”   

“We are delighted that our management has agreed to voluntarily recognize our union,” said the Mothers Out Front Union. “We look forward to working together collaboratively to ensure that our workplace culture reflects our values of transparency, collaboration, accountability, equity, and inclusive decision-making and to create a stable and empowering work environment. By unionizing, we hope secure Mothers Out Front’s role as a leader, not only in the climate justice movement, but also in equitably-shared governance of mission-driven organizations.” 

“We’re excited to welcome the Mothers Out Front Union to NPEU,” said NPEU President Kayla Blado. “With their union, Mothers Out Front staff will be able live out their values and create a more just and equitable workplace. We look forward to building a collaborative relationship with Mothers Out Front’s management.”


About Mothers Out Front 

Mothers Out Front is a national nonprofit whose mission is to build the power of mothers to preserve a livable climate for all children. We are forging a powerful, diverse, member-led movement of mothers, grandmothers, and caregivers dedicated to convincing decision-makers and community members to work for a swift, complete, and just transition away from toxic fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy and to promote climate justice and resilience in our communities. 

About NPEU

TheNonprofit Professional Employees Union, a local of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, represents professionals employed at more than 30 nonprofit organizations (and counting), including employees at Economic Policy Institute, the Center for American Progress, and Community Change. With several hundred members, NPEU gives nonprofit workers a voice to strengthen their workplaces and continue to do work that makes a difference in people’s lives.