Friends of the Earth Staff Form a Union with the Nonprofit Professionals Employees Union

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CONTACT: Katie Barrows, NPEU,, 360-624-6936

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2020 — Today, a supermajority of staff members at Friends of the Earth US have joined together to form a union in the pursuit of fighting for a more healthy and just world. The union, Friends of the Earth United, has asked for voluntary recognition and is represented by the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU).

The following is a statement from Friends of the Earth United on why they are unionizing:

“Friends of the Earth just celebrated 50 years of hard-hitting, uncompromised progress in fighting for a more healthy and just world. We are proud to be part of an organization with an outspoken mission of changing the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice — and believe our union will lend credence to that mission. 

Our organization has been guided by speaking uncomfortable truths, building long-term power, fighting for justice, and holding people and institutions accountable. Our union is guided by these same principles, which are more important than ever during the current pandemic crisis.

We aim to live out Friends of the Earth’s long-held values and believe this union will strengthen the organization, both internally and externally.”

“NPEU is committed to unifying the labor and environmental movements, partnering to stop corporate greed and restore power to working people,” said NPEU President Kayla Blado. “We are excited for Friends of the Earth United, and know that their union will build worker power and create a more just workplace. We look forward to a quick response from Friends of the Earth management recognizing their staff’s union.” 

Follow Friends of the Earth United on Twitter at @FOEUnited for continued updates on recognition of their union and @NonprofitUnion for updates on other organizing campaigns.

About NPEU: 

The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) is a local of IFPTE and represents professionals employed at more than 20 nonprofit organizations, including employees at Economic Policy Institute, the Center for American Progress, and Community Change. With several hundred members, NPEU gives nonprofit workers a voice to strengthen their workplaces and continue to do work that makes a difference in people’s lives.

About Friends of the Earth:

Friends of the Earth fights to create a more healthy and just world. Our current campaigns focus on promoting clean energy and solutions to climate change, ensuring the food we eat and products we use are safe and sustainable, and protecting marine ecosystems and the people who live and work near them.