Revolving Door Project and NPEU Reach New Collective Bargaining Agreement



Contact: Heather Cushman, Nonprofit Professional Employees Union,

The Revolving Door Project (RDP) and the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) are pleased to announce the successful negotiation of a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for RDP staff. The agreement, reached after thorough negotiations, reflects the commitment of both parties to uphold fairness, equity, and support for the dedicated professionals at RDP.

Key provisions of the new CBA include enhanced benefits such as increased bereavement leave, personal leave, a guaranteed severance package, and an improved tech stipend. Additionally, the agreement introduces a ratification bonus equivalent to 2% of annual salary, a higher salary floor, more substantial annual salary increases, and increased opportunities for career advancement within the organization.

Amy Chin-Lai, President of the NPEU, expressed enthusiasm about the agreement, stating, "This new contract exemplifies our shared values of fairness and respect for the vital work that RDP staff perform. By enhancing benefits and opportunities for career growth, we are ensuring that RDP remains a leader in promoting accountability and integrity within government."

"RDP exists to take on the immense power corporations have built in our political process,” said Jeff Hauser, Executive Director of Revolving Door Project. “We cannot be an effective bulwark against corporate power without deep cooperation and trust between every member of the team at RDP and its leadership. Collaboration between union and management is critical to RDP's effectiveness in its unique David vs. Goliath role against corporate power in politics."

A staff member who served on the bargaining committee, Dylan Gyauch-Lewis, Senior Researcher, remarked, "Negotiating this agreement was a collaborative effort that demonstrates RDP's dedication to valuing its employees. The improvements in benefits and career development opportunities will undoubtedly strengthen our ability to continue advocating for transparency and public interest."

The new CBA reflects months of constructive dialogue and collaboration between RDP management and NPEU representatives. It ensures that RDP remains a supportive workplace committed to the well-being and professional growth of its staff members.

For more information, please contact NPEU Data and Communications Organizer Heather Cushman at

About Nonprofit Professional Employees Union:

The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU), a local of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, represents employees at over fifty nonprofit organizations, including Food and Water Watch, the Brookings Institution, and Action Squared. With over a thousand members, NPEU gives nonprofit workers a voice to strengthen their workplaces and continue to do work that makes a difference in people’s lives.

About The Revolving Door Project:

The Revolving Door Project (RDP) was created in order to scrutinize executive branch appointees to ensure they use their office to serve the broad public interest, rather than to entrench corporate power or seek personal advancement. In recent years our work has expanded to include monitoring how corporate and billionaire influence distorts coverage of economic issues in the media, the administration of law in our courts, and policymaking by various state constitutional officers.