Bend The Arc Staff and Nonprofit Professional Employees Union Reach Historic Collective Bargaining Agreement


Bend The Arc, a leading voice in the progressive Jewish movement dedicated to justice for all, has reached a groundbreaking collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with its staff represented by the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union, IFPTE Local 70 (NPEU). This agreement marks a significant milestone in ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all employees at Bend The Arc.

Key highlights of the agreement include substantial improvements in pay and compensation, enhanced job security measures, comprehensive hiring practices, enriched benefits packages, expanded time-off policies, increased transparency through a Labor-Management Committee (LMC), and a steadfast commitment to racial equity and inclusion initiatives.

Amy Chin-Lai, President of NPEU, expressed enthusiasm about the agreement, stating, "This CBA represents a pivotal moment for the staff at Bend The Arc. We've secured protections and enhancements that will not only benefit current employees but also set a high standard in the nonprofit sector for fair treatment, job security, and equitable practices."

Tonda Case, Bend The Arc’s Chief People and Operations Officer, praised the final agreement as well:  “We are proud to reach this agreement with the staff bargaining committee through such a heartfelt and collaborative process that is sure to build an organization and democracy rooted in pro-Black, pro-Jewish, pro-people praxis. We look forward to continuing our relationship and work with the staff at the intersection of the world as it is and the world as it can be.”

The staff bargaining committee highlighted the significance of the agreement: "We are so proud of our new contract and all that it offers employees at Bend the Arc, and we appreciate our management being with us through this long, fruitful, collaborative process. With a newly ratified contract, we are thrilled to join with other non-profit unions in striving to make our work environments reflect the world we seek to build, Olam HaBa.”

Key Highlights of the Collective Bargaining Agreement Include:

1. Pay & Compensation:

  • Immediate salary increase of 3-5% upon ratification, followed by annual increases tied to inflation.

  • Minimum salary adjustments and promotions guaranteed.

  • Transparent processes for additional salary reviews.

2. Job Security:

  • Protection against unjust termination post-orientation.

  • Defined processes for improvement plans and union representation in disciplinary meetings.

3. Benefits:

  • Codified health, dental, vision, and 401(k) contributions.

  • Support for gender-affirming care and diverse employee expenses.

4. Time Off & Equity:

  • Expanded vacation and sick leave policies.

  • Paid parental, family, and medical leave.

  • Commitment to anti-racist training and accountability measures.

For more information, please contact NPEU Data and Communications Organizer Heather Cushman at