CAP Unit Ratifies CBA


Center for American Progress Staff Sign First Contract

For immediate release: May 15, 2017
Contact: Alan Barber, (571) 306-2526

Washington, DC – The Center for American Progress (CAP) and employees represented by IFPTE Local 70 recently ratified their first collective bargaining agreement. The staff voted overwhelmingly to ratify a contract that affirms progressive workplace values and policies.

The new CAP contract boosts salaries by an average of nearly 10 percent and and 40 percent of the bargaining unit will receive a raise over 9 percent. It also provides a significant increase in the starting pay for entry-level positions within the unit. As well, the contract represents commitments to strengthening diversity and inclusion, expanding overtime protections, and just cause protections.

In addition to the employees represented by IFPTE Local 70, CAP also has a collective bargaining agreement with members of the ThinkProgress staff (WGA-E). Other non-profit organizations represented by Local 70 include the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Economic Policy Institute, USAS, DC Jobs with Justice, and the Center for Community Change.

Additional highlights of the new CAP collective bargaining agreement include:

  • A ban on requiring salary histories to apply for open positions and climate surveys to improve hiring procedures
  • For overtime-exempt employees earning below $47,476, time and a half pay for working more than 40 hours in a week
  • Funding for professional development and training
  • 12 weeks of paid leave upon the birth or adoption of a child and 6 weeks of paid family medical or caregiving leave
  • A 2.5 percent annual increase for employees making less than $60,000 and a 2 percent increase for those making above $60,000
  • A secure pool of funds to be used for merit pay increases

“This CBA recognizes the contributions CAP’s staff makes to the organization’s continued success,” said Paul Shearon, IFPTE’s Secretary- Treasurer. “As well, it reflects the idea that progressive organizations, like all others, benefit by supporting organized labor both in theory and practice.”

About IFPTE Local 70

IFPTE Local 70 represents employees in non-profit organizations and is dedicated to building stronger democratic workplaces in D.C. and beyond. Members include staff from the Center for American Progress, the Center for Community Change, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Cleveland ACTS, DC Jobs with Justice, the Economic Policy Institute, International Labor Rights Forum, Many Languages One Voice, SumOfUs. United Students Against Sweatshops, and the Worker Rights Consortium. For more on IFPTE local 70, visit